
Just like you...

I was finally able to log in and get everything fixed on my website. There's so much that needs updating so please bare with me as I get all of this completed. It has been so long since I've even blogged! September 2016... So much has changed since then. There are still things I very much plan to keep private. In fact, when I opened the blog tab and saw the "+" to create a new post I immediately froze and went into panic mode. It isn't that I don't want to create and share content with you all. I do! I'm just having an extremely hard time with putting words to paper these days. Writing has always been an outlet for me and to not have that, I have to say I've been a little lost. The 'problem' here is now I have this yoga business. I guess it's not really a problem; hence why I quoted it - But so many of my students think I am this person who has it all together. What happens when the walls come down and you see that I really am just like you? I have the same worries and problems as you all! And while I'd like to continue portraying that my life is near perfect; the simple fact of the matter is that it is very much so not anywhere near perfect!

I go to yoga classes and I think of my to-do list or my grocery list just like you. Something comes up that stresses me out and I deal with it just like you do! In fact, I have the added bonus of going to a class and paying attention to everyone else's mat but my own because that's just where my brain goes. "Is she in alignment?" "Does she need help?" "Why isn't this teacher offering her additional props or modifications?" Keeping my mind from wandering off my mat has become my BIGGEST challenge since becoming a yoga instructor. Add that to everyday worries and insecurities and well.... Here I am - just like you!

Being a yoga instructor isn't a magic fix for these kinds of things. They help; sure. But that's because they give me outlets to go to when I need it. I complain to my yoga instructor and she tells me to get my shit together and gives me a whole new outsiders point of view to look at the entire situation differently. I lag in my practice too guys! There are days when I just don't want to go to yoga. Maybe it's because I'm exhausted from the week... maybe it's because I don't want to deal with the issues that I have come up in my practice... maybe it's because the last 6 weeks in Savasana I've literally laid there and balled my eyes out for no apparent reason. Whatever it is; I give the same excuses as you do! I blow it off JUST like you do! and much like you, I can totally tell when I am needing yoga back into my life and still; it doesn't make it any easier! 

So; here I am. Back from my rut - or rather beginning to dig myself out of my rut because I'm done self-sabotaging myself. The mountains that I was merely only supposed to climb I've kept with me! I am only here in this place because of ME. MY ACTIONS! MY Choices! I want to hold better classes for you all and give you all what you all so desperately need! And that means you get to meet the real me! No smoke and mirrors this time!

I've got some things up my sleeve! I'm going to take the next couple weeks to get my website updated and I'll slowly unveil! If there's one thing I've realized it's that sharing yoga with you is most definitely part of my life's purpose. Being able to hold space for each and every one of you is one of the most humbling experiences I've ever witnessed. You all enrich my soul to no end and so I want to thank you for that! I'm so glad that I chose this path and yet somehow I think if I never ended up choosing it, it still would have been my destiny! 


Summer Bucket List

Summer is already off to a swift start! It's nearly almost July... when did that happen? I am truly finding myself on a path to discovery, constantly finding out what works and what doesn't. It's almost sort of ever changing too in that aspect, but I'm figuring it out.

I've got some time off coming up and I'm planning on using it to disconnect from technology, and connecting back with nature, life and my husband! I'm not sure what we'll be doing exactly, but I'd love to get the house in order AND maybe take a small road trip or something to get out and explore! 

Among many many MANY Summer plans I've got a pretty decent sized bucket list going of things I would love to accomplish by the time Fall rolls around! 

- visit Starved Rock
- go blueberry picking (the pups LOVE berries! So I try to keep them in the house at all times!)
- go strawberry picking
- tending to our small garden;
    -   I'll need to get some tomato cages and trellises for the vine plants that are growing
    -  My herb garden didn't work out to my advantage this time around. I've got about 3 plants from my kitchen planter that I think I can salvage into bigger pots. My mint though...  ON POINT! Same with my lavender! I think I will be looking up some DIY recipes to make sure it all gets used!
- I'm challenging myself to complete 5 (or more) classes, workshops, meetings with a mentor or weekend retreats to help being a little more self-care back into my life over the summer. 
- Sort through all of our closets and dresser drawers and get rid of things that don't suit our needs anymore.
- Complete the same task of de-cluttering our garage, shed and basement
- Car shopping
- Price the materials needed for our mini home renovation
- Get to Wisconsin at least once this year
- Begin at home yoga and meditation practice
- Set up a yoga space at home
- Dive into (and complete) 3 yoga books (seriously, they're everywhere!!)
- Secure space at a new studio for Fall
- Book a photo shoot for yoga advertising
- attend the flea market once (or twice lol)
- get to the pool and make use of my season pass

So, yeah... that and all other things that consist of teaching, weddings, showers, bachelorete parties, birthday parties, graduations, festivals and other various family events. I'm so looking forward to the remainder of summer!

On a side note; Cooper is finally able to be left alone! For those of you who don't know we have struggled this past year with Cooper and his separation anxiety! It was a long (really long) year of trials and errors! It what feels like, and could quite have been, overnight; Cooper was almost like a different dog. Calm... relaxed... and just chill! He didn't care whether he had someone by his side 24/7... or about pretty much anything about relaxing. So, we took this as a sign to try a little more vigorously as getting him to be home alone - well with his doggie brother.

The first week we tried anywhere from anywhere between 1 hr and 1 hr 45 min. He was completely fine. That got pushed to 2-3 hrs and from there we left him while we are at work with someone checking on him mid-day. He did fine and quite frankly, didn't really even care someone had come to check on him. So, we stopped that and officially, he is good at home for a period of 5-6.5 hrs! 

I just feel this huge sign of relief! We missed out on so much this past year! Friendships even ended because they didn't understand what was happening. It was so stressful! We were CONSTANTLY judged by others and truly were at our wits end! Oh the judgement... I am just oh so thankful to those that have and continue to offer their help and understanding! Without that, I don't even want to think of where we would be now. 

Until you've actually lived it, you probably won't ever understand. But I do encourage everyone reading to reach out to someone you know who is experiencing something similar and just offer your shoulder! Don't judge! And if you can, research what separation anxiety is like for the animal AND for the person caring for that animal! It's hard! OH so hard! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! The pain and sorrow these animals go through before they are rescued simply baffles me. How can anyone be so cruel?

Alright.. Off to explore Summer! 

The blog will most likely continue to be pretty light. BUT you can find me over on my Facebook page; Savvy Serenity Yoga. Right now I'm starting #daretodream where I will be posting daily quotes and weekly meditations as I begin to embark on my journey within. 

I've also got a few classes coming up;
Curvy Yoga in the ParkBliss Woods | Sugar GroveJuly 30th, August 27th 8AM

Curvy Yoga in the Park
Bliss Woods | Sugar Grove
July 30th, August 27th 8AM

Farmers Market YogaBatavia Farmer's MarketJuly 23rd 8AM

Farmers Market Yoga
Batavia Farmer's Market
July 23rd 8AM

If you're interested in taking one of my classes, please email me at savvyserenityyoga@gmail.com



email curvyyogafocusom@gmail.com to register or visit www.focus-om.com

Meditating with Mala Beads

Some of you are probably thinking, “What on earth is a Mala?” Well, similar to the Holy Rosary, a Mala is a string of beads. Think of it as a Buddhist Rosary. Typically these beads are used to count mantras; or Sanskrit prayers in sets of 108 repetitions. However, you can also find them in numbers that divide into 108 evenly like; 18, 27 or 54. Use of a smaller amount of beads usually leads to a bracelet of some sort or a shorter necklace if using bigger beads.

Why 108?

The reasons for 108 puzzle just about anyone I meet. There are many many reasons for the meaning of 108 beads on a Mala. Here are a few as defined by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati;

Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.
Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.
Pranayama: If one is able to be so calm in meditation as to have only 108 breaths in a day, enlightenment will come.
Pentagon: The angle formed by two adjacent lines in a pentagon equals 108 degrees.
Time: Some say there are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.
Astrology: There are 12 constellations, and 9 arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas. 9 times 12 equals 108. Chandra is moon, and kalas are the divisions within a whole.
Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108.
Goddess names: There are said to be 108 Indian goddess names.
Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
Paths to God: Some suggest that there are 108 paths to God.

Seriously, these are just a few. Regardless of the meaning, the importance of the beads is to count *mantras (*(originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation; typically given to you by a teacher or chosen by yourself.) with devotion, feeling and your utmost full attention.

The hardest part is choosing a Mala for your own personal practice. Many yoga studios will sell these, but you can also find them at places like Crystal Life Technology in Geneva, Illinois or Beadniks, Chicago. At Beadniks, you can actually sign up to make your own Mala. (You can find my experience on Mala making here).

You want to choose a mala that best suits your needs and style. The best advice I can give is to feel the beads in your hand. Close your eyes, and feel the energy of the beads. Go with what appeals most to you.

You also have the option of looking through Pinterest for Mala ideas as well as Googling the meanings of the various beads and materials. By doing this, you can use your intention of your yoga practice to pick the perfect mala for you.

As far as price, it truly depends on what you’re looking for. The type of material generally decides the cost of the Mala. I would say in general, expect to pay $35 + for your own Mala. Just because you’re making it yourself, doesn’t always mean it’s going to be cheap. The better quality of materials, the more expensive it gets. Sure, you can go to Hobby Lobby or Michael’s and use their coupons (I have). Starting out that’s a great option. But if you’re looking for something that’s going to last, it’s going to be an investment. Think between $70 and $200 easily.

Using a Mala is quite simple once you get the hang of it. You can use it in various ways of meditation, but the way I will break it down for you today depicts the old fashioned, sit down and meditate style.

1.    Find a comfortable space in your home or yoga practice area and come to a seat either in crossed leg position or any position that suits your comfort level. If you’ve got a bolster, sit on that.
2.    Close your eyes and begin to notice your natural breath.
3.    Now, bring awareness and attention into your breath and continue to breathe deeper and slower.
4.    Set your attention to your mantra or affirmation.
5.    Next, hold on to your mala beads by gently hanging the first mala bead on the middle or ring finger of your right hand. If you’re left handed and this is more comfortable, use your left. (*In India, using the left hand is considered impure, but from a more Westernized perspective, either hand is okay.)
6.    Place your thumb on the guru bead and begin reciting your manta. Each time pushing the mala bead away with the thumb and moving onto the next bead.

For mantra ideas, start here. It doesn’t have to be something in Sanskrit though. Even the simplest thing such as; “I am filled with love and kindness” can be your mantra for mediating with your mala. (Whew! Say that 5 times fast lol)

Don’t have a Mala? That’s alright! Try using a mantra and repeating it 108 (or a smaller amount of times that divides evenly into 108)

Source: http://www.gaia.com

My Very First Mala (and I made it too!)

Hello! Happy January! Sunday I ventured into the city and spent the day with my Ganesha girls. We went to a Mala making workshop at Beadniks, Chicago. When I first stepped into the store, it was taken aback. It was absolutely gorgeous! The perfect sanctuary for stringing Mala beads AND they had some pretty fabulous looking jewelry for sale too. We were each given a tray, and some guidelines for picking out the beads we wanted. What would work with what, and what to make sure we had (and didn't have). The first thing that caught my eye was a Buddha head charm on the front table. I went back and grabbed it. I needed this on my Mala.

Then I started looking over the beads. All of them were so pretty. I had made a Pinterest board with ideas. Everything from colors to patterns to styles. I have to say, with so many choices in front of me; I was super overwhelmed. I hadn't decided on a color going into it and that added to my anxiety. For some reason, I kept getting drawn into the purple section of "the wall-o-beads". So, I knew I had decided pretty much on having a purple Mala. I really liked the texture of having a bigger bead pass through my fingers. It's just less stressful for me to move through the Mala when the beads are bigger. I'm not experienced enough to want spacers - so I nixed that idea. I wanted something with smooth beads, that would easily pass through as I counted. I feel like I hit that on the head.  I wanted beautiful intricate beads, but was also on a budget. So I settled for a solid and then added about 40 or so of the pretty patterned beads. I was so concerned I wouldn't have enough. OR that I would have too many. When I got back to the table, I literally hit 108 ON THE HEAD! I couldn't do that again if I tried. So, after fretting about whether or not I was making the right choice (cosmetically AND for my tight budget this week) that's how I knew it was meant to be.

I chose navy blue string because it complemented the purple without being TOO MUCH PURPLE.  For my guru bead, I chose a brass bead that matched my Buddha head. For the tassel, I really wanted something to pop. I didn't want it to be a sea of purple, and I didn't want to dull it out with a washed out color like white or gray. I wanted a little punch. On the inside of the guru bead, there was this teal/aqua color. I loved it! So, I chose that as the tassel color. Originally I had picked a string that was coated in wax. That was awful. So halfway through wrapping, I changed my mind. I'm pretty happy with the way my tassel turned out. If I plan on making more - I will need to perfect this.

The overall process consisted of arranging your beads, stringing your beads and then tying the knots. The knots were the most tedious. The bigger the bead - the harder it is. The longer the strand gets - the harder it gets. This whole process, after picking out what I wanted took me about 2 1/2 hours or so with little breaks. It would definitely be a great craft while watching TV or listening to a book. When I got home, my hand was a little cramped. Tying such small knots with big chubby fingers is a little hard lol.

Price wise - I paid about the same as if I were to buy one already made. The experience was much more fun though. The workshop cost $35. Then my purchase at the store for my beads and materials not given to us in the cost of the workshop, was around $75 with tax and all.

I'm interested to see what I make now that I semi know what I'm doing. I'll be sure to post anything that I do!

I'm so glad I got to spend some QT with my yoga girls! It was so nice to get together. I am looking forward to more things like this!

All of us, and all of our Malas. (Well accept one) They are all so unique to our personality. I think if we were to drop them in the center of the room, without knowing who they belong to, our instructors could have probably gave them back to each o…

All of us, and all of our Malas. (Well accept one) They are all so unique to our personality. I think if we were to drop them in the center of the room, without knowing who they belong to, our instructors could have probably gave them back to each of us knowing who's was what! :-)

and here is my finished product;

Holiday Gift Guide

And just like that, it's December 1st! Can you believe it? Time literally flies by! It's insane! I know I say that all the time. But I truly don't know how to make it slow down!

I thought it might be fun to compile all of my favorites into a blog post. (Not that you're looking to buy for me; and in that case, I would have most likely included things that I didn't already have LOL) But things that I've come to love as I have dove deeper into the yoga world. Hugger Mugger is truly becoming one of my favorite brands! Specifically for their patterns. They have such fun beautiful patterns in just about everything. Having pretty things motivates me to practice more! So... If you're looking for the perfect gift (or gifts) for the yogi in your life, look no further!

one - Hugger Mugger Batik mat bag  $34.95; I may or may not already have this. (actually, I do) Hugger Mugger has become my new favorite simply based off of their ADORABLE patterns. Seriously, I'm in love! This bag is perfect for carrying your yoga mat to and from class. I especially love the zipper compartments to carry things like my wallet, keys and or phone when I'm on the go because I HATE lugging around tons of bags!

two - Elisabeth Ashlie elastic ties  $4/3 hair ties; Although these aren't what she is known for, these ties are the cutest things ever! They won't cause damage to your hair like the normal ones do. In fact; I like a looser pony tail holder these days. These come in so many fun patterns; they're great! *also check out her jewelry while you're at it. She makes some spectacular things and she is local too! Right here in the Chicagoland area!

three - Hugger Mugger Cotton D-Ring Strap (10 in) $11.95; (typically on sale for $8.99); If you seriously loathe using the strap, or you get frustrated with how short they are you have g o t to try this 10-inch strap. Especially if you're curvy; you'll notice these longer straps working 10 times better for you.

four - Hibiscus Headband  (Beautiful Boundaries Etsy Shop) $8.40;  what yogi couldn't use a headband? This shop has the CUTEST ones I've seen in quite some time. The patterns are absolutely gorgeous and she has all kinds of various shapes and sizes! She recently had a by 2 get 1 free sale. If you happen to check her out while this sale is going on, I encourage you to take advantage of it! You won't be disappointed!

five - The Original Super Block $29.99; Get ready for a whole lotta block! This thing is freaking AMAZING! Seriously, I can't even describe it! You can use it for so many things other than just a block! I recently attended a hot yoga class where they did not have bolsters. Using two of these and a blanket, I created my own and made myself a thousand times more comfortable than I would have been with nothing. This is probably my favorite yoga prop at the moment!

six - The Yamas & Niyamas $8.00 - $15 respectively; THIS BOOK! This book will change your life! We read this in training, and while we went rather fast through it; it still changed my life! It will open you to your core and you will become so much more of a happier; more open person. I will warn you though; the process is lengthy and it sucks! It's raw and it's emotional, so be ready for that. I'm actually taking 2016 to restart the book, and complete each exercise in the book instead of one per chapter!

seven - Hugger Mugger Meditation Cushion (also available in patterned; because why not) $46.95 solid and $56.95 for patterned; meditation cushions are the new yoga mat! Have you not heard this yet? lol Seriously though, if I can't get in an asana practice, I will at least take the time to meditate. I can do this so much better with a pretty cushion! I'm a sucker for Hugger Mugger's patterns! (clearly) so while this is a little hefty on the price tag, I promise, it's totally worth it!

Graduation Weekend!

Yesterday was insanely busy... BUT, I've also been putting off writing this because that means it's done... My FINAL post in my "yoga teacher training" series. This weekend went by so fast! This entire time just flew by actually.

Friday we had our prenatal training. If I'm being honest, I feel like MY yoga teaching is pretty much a prenatal class now. All of the things I do are super gentle in that aspect. Some of it in fact is THE EXACT SAME THING.

After we had our graduation celebration at Jane's house. We had our spouses there and just celebrated being together one final weekend and all that we have accomplished. Jane & Steve's hospitality was spectacular! Their home really made Eric and I miss Nottingham! (Shocker, I know!)

I got to try my first Dinkel's cake too! 

Saturday we started the day with a much dreaded practice; Baptiste yoga. I knew it was going to be challenging and I knew it was going to be hot. I was truly afraid of it though. I wasn't the only one who was super vocal in the fact that I truly just did not want to go to this practice. That was reassuring, but I still wasn't sold.

We parked and walked to the studio and I thought... "Great... more walking - in the snow! UGH! Seriously?" Then, Mindy opened the door to s t a i r s. THREE flights of stairs to be exact... and I thought, "Are you effing kidding me? You want me to practice this God awful yoga class, and first I have to walk up ALL of these stairs?" Pretty sure I rolled my eyes, and continued on.

I walked in to the studio space and thought "Hmm. Well... The space is pretty. At least there's that" and proceeded to take off my shoes and fleece.

I filled out the wavier and got to the question that asked about medical conditions and physical limitations. I stared at it blankly for quite some time. All I thought was "What do I write? ... Well, I fell on my knee... That's certainly been a pain in the ass in my regular yoga classes. I guess write that it sometimes gets achy..."

Then I refocused on that word limitations... "What are my limitations? Well, clearly they weren't the half block and three flights of stairs I just climbed. I mean, I'm here aren't I?"

I glanced at Eb and then took my attention back down to the piece of paper. My focus solely on the word limitations at this point.

"Limitations? Clearly, you can see what I look like. I'm plus size. That's a limitation! Because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to do half of what you want me to... So, what's my limitation?? I'm fat! That's my limitation... That can't be a limitation. You can't write 'fat' or 'plus size' there. That's stupid. Why would you write that?"

No sooner then I literally had this conversation in my head (and no, I swear I'm not crazy either lol) the words 'Plus Size' were scribbled on the page. Immediately I wished for white out. Did I really just talk about how achy my knee had been... and then proceed to classify the way my body looks IN THE SAME ANSWER? Yep, I sure did.

THAT'S NOT OKAY! My body is my body. I should not feel that as a limitation. I work around it. That's what I've been working so hard for... That's why I did ALL of this!

Regardless, I reluctantly handed in the form and went into the room to get set up.

My initial reaction; "Great... they don't have bolsters... So on top of me being uncomfortable and hot, I'm going to ache because I'm on the floor." The first thing I did when I walked in that BEAUTIFUL room was notice whether they had bolsters or not. Not the beautiful view. Not the huge half dollar size snowflakes falling from the skies. Not the tree limbs covered in thick sheets of snow... But bolsters? Really?!?

I went over to the wall, and noticed they had super size blocks.

This changed everything for me! I grabbed two, then I picked up a blanket, strap and two regular size blocks. I laid down my mat. and then put the two monster blocks together and laid the blanket over them.

MAGIC! I had a seat! I sat down.

When I finally got the nerve to get out of my head I realized, the view was GORGEOUS! The temperature? A mere 80-something degrees (it ended up getting to 93 during practice). It was pure heaven being warm and cozy in a shirt and leggings and seeing snow and frigid cold staring back at me through the windows.

We huddled first and talked fears. Throwing them out, and writing them down. Then we dedicated our practice to letting go of those fears and tuning into our own body.

Eb was AMAZING! Just spectacular.

By the end of practice I realized; I may not have been able to do everything or even what most of my classmates did. But I did what I could. I tuned into my body and did what it needed... You have no idea how amazing this feels unless you've done it for yourself. This is why I decided to become a teacher... THIS is what I want to share with the world.


I have to say - I learned more about myself on that mat and in that room in the 2 hours we were there than I ever expected.It was raw and it was beautiful. The things I thought I would hate - I LOVED! Had I not at least tried, I never would have known this. It made me realize that catering to my fears and then letting them win time and time again had me truly blocking out the joy in life by blocking out the pain. Never again will I let fear define or the choices I make! I am filled with an abundance of positive energy, and I will take that in all that I do going forward!

Fear is a NASTY thing! It swallows you whole, and takes charge! If I had given in... I never would have experienced what I did. Sure, I'm not proud of some of the things that happened. But, I learned from them. That's all I can ever ask from something like this.

After practice, we headed over to Native Foods for lunch. I wasn't as impressed as everyone else was with their nachos... But their Chili... YES!!!! So so good! I also managed to fall in love with Wicker Park too. (imagine that)


Later in the evening before we went home, we also had a few Puja ceremonial things... AKA "The Woo"

Here we wrote one thing we wanted to be rid of and to let go of and then lit it on fire and threw it in the bowl. Mine was fear... I know you're not supposed to talk about it after you burn it. Because at that point; it's done. BUT, I want to remind myself. I want to share this with people.


The roads Saturday night were awful! But, we made it home. At almost midnight, but nonetheless we made it!

Sunday we started at 9. We had a lot of little ends to tie in our classroom things. MY favorite part was definitely lunch at the diner, and our closing ceremony. Mindy made AWESOME yoga guy cookies!

There is no doubt, I am going to miss these girls something awful! I am so grateful for each and every one of them. They've changed me and I love them for that!

Here is my "Mishelle, go stand over here so I can see if the lighting is okay" pose. LOL

Here is my "Mishelle, go stand over here so I can see if the lighting is okay" pose. LOL

First PUBLIC Class

So, Sunday we taught our 60 minutes classes. These classes were opened and offered to the public at no cost. I designed my class to be a Gentle Restorative Candlelight class and I had 7 people preregister for my class that I didn't even know. THIS FREAKED ME OUT! But, at least I can say the first is done with, right? Two of my cousins came so it was nice to be able to have a couple faces I recognized.

When I planned this and originally sequenced it, I wanted to do something more restorative than I'm used to. I still included movement on a few standing poses, and I was happy with that. But planning it this way could have been my first mistake.

THEN, I tried like hell to move away from that piece of paper! I read the meditation or readings I had written or saved. Then, I would turn to the page I needed as I needed it, but I tried to walk around and give cues without using a script. I actually was SUPER impressed and proud of myself for this. I think I did a fairly decent job doing this as well. I was off the mat. I tried to help offer adjustments. (*I'm not totally comfortable in that just yet) But I tried. I'm proud of that!

However, in doing this. I skipped completely over an entire page I had planned. The part where we got up and moved. I didn't realize it, until it was too far to back track. Making them get up would have completely derailed the entire thing. So, I kept going and added another restorative pose. There were counter poses I should have added... and there were things I think I should have taken out. I really wanted to play with Bridge pose. But, I think it may have been too much. I don't know. I had such a mixed reaction of how the class went. Of course I'm not taking any of that to heart. Live and learn! I know what to do, and what not to do next time and for that I am grateful!

The room was BEAUTIFUL! I went out and took advantage of Hobby Lobby's 50% off candles sale and got LOTS of LED candles! I do wish I would have diffused an essential oil as well though! I also wish I would have taken pictures. I didn't even think of this. I didn't even take candid shots when we were doing our photo shoot earlier in the day! :-(

I wasn't happy with my Savasana song. It played the wrong one. A couple mentioned the song being too fast for their liking in Savasana. That was GREAT feedback. I thought it was a beautiful song. While, I sat there absorbing the entire practice I just taught, I found it lovely. BUT it's good to know these things. Maybe next time I only include that in practice. Maybe the WOO song would have been okay for Savasana.

I had gone to a restorative class where they put out chocolates at the end. I really like that. It was the best piece of chocolate I had ever eaten (and it was just a Dove chocolate). I had taken an hour (or so) for just me, and I savored every taste of that tiny chocolate. I knew I wanted to offer this too; and so I did. 

I've got so many great things in the works!! I can't wait to share!

Last week my position at Focus Om Batavia was made 'Facebook Official'. Here's my blurb! :-)

I also met with Oswego Park District last week!

I am so freaking excited to begin this next venture in my life! Everything is falling into place and I am so grateful for that!

**I guess technically this wasn't my first PUBLIC class... It was however, the first class I taught to strangers! :-)

taking a moment to clarify

Lucky you! TWO blog posts in a week during training! (and in the same day!) I'm feeling the feels people!

Truthfully though, I feel like I need to clarify on this.

I think maybe I was a little too harsh previously in saying what I'm learning is not the style I want to teach. I can't see myself doing any other training. This was definitely perfect for me - and I will go out on a limb -a much supported limb- and say it is the BEST teacher training in my area.

BUT I'm longing for more things. The things I like most.... Like Restorative yoga, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Mediations... You could say I'm having a Veruca Salt moment. That's all I was eluding to. I want more! I want it now!

I know I'm being pushed in a good way and for good things. And part of training is doing the things you don't want to figure out what you do. I get it.

I just want a class I can keep up with. That's probably the Kapha in me. But it's truly how I find my release. I want to give that to people.

In student teaching and other various classes I've attended, I can't always keep up. I'm a lot slower in practice than my classmates. Then when I try to instruct a slower pace, it doesn't happen. I don't know how to fix it. Other than cueing. Which is also one of my issues.. I just want to teach people that you don't have to rush through something. You don't have to fit this many poses in a class. You don't have to take me from seated to standing to kneeling to seated to standing... 9 times out of 10 it takes me a little longer to move into something new. I can't change the way I get down from standing.. or the way I lay from sitting.

Back to cueing. I'm having a really hard time with the cueing (like Kosha cueing and what not) It's not too woo for me to experience it in a class. But I'm finding that it's too woo for me to use to direct people. I think that's maybe part of my problem too. Maybe part of that is it's really hard for me wrap my head around it all. I'm thinking that I'm expected to be all WOO about it.

I think I'm overthinking it and making it harder than it really is.

The good thing is all problems have solutions! I just need to find mine.

Thank you all so much for following me on this path!