taking a moment to clarify

Lucky you! TWO blog posts in a week during training! (and in the same day!) I'm feeling the feels people!

Truthfully though, I feel like I need to clarify on this.

I think maybe I was a little too harsh previously in saying what I'm learning is not the style I want to teach. I can't see myself doing any other training. This was definitely perfect for me - and I will go out on a limb -a much supported limb- and say it is the BEST teacher training in my area.

BUT I'm longing for more things. The things I like most.... Like Restorative yoga, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Mediations... You could say I'm having a Veruca Salt moment. That's all I was eluding to. I want more! I want it now!

I know I'm being pushed in a good way and for good things. And part of training is doing the things you don't want to figure out what you do. I get it.

I just want a class I can keep up with. That's probably the Kapha in me. But it's truly how I find my release. I want to give that to people.

In student teaching and other various classes I've attended, I can't always keep up. I'm a lot slower in practice than my classmates. Then when I try to instruct a slower pace, it doesn't happen. I don't know how to fix it. Other than cueing. Which is also one of my issues.. I just want to teach people that you don't have to rush through something. You don't have to fit this many poses in a class. You don't have to take me from seated to standing to kneeling to seated to standing... 9 times out of 10 it takes me a little longer to move into something new. I can't change the way I get down from standing.. or the way I lay from sitting.

Back to cueing. I'm having a really hard time with the cueing (like Kosha cueing and what not) It's not too woo for me to experience it in a class. But I'm finding that it's too woo for me to use to direct people. I think that's maybe part of my problem too. Maybe part of that is it's really hard for me wrap my head around it all. I'm thinking that I'm expected to be all WOO about it.

I think I'm overthinking it and making it harder than it really is.

The good thing is all problems have solutions! I just need to find mine.

Thank you all so much for following me on this path!