teacher training

Graduation Weekend!

Yesterday was insanely busy... BUT, I've also been putting off writing this because that means it's done... My FINAL post in my "yoga teacher training" series. This weekend went by so fast! This entire time just flew by actually.

Friday we had our prenatal training. If I'm being honest, I feel like MY yoga teaching is pretty much a prenatal class now. All of the things I do are super gentle in that aspect. Some of it in fact is THE EXACT SAME THING.

After we had our graduation celebration at Jane's house. We had our spouses there and just celebrated being together one final weekend and all that we have accomplished. Jane & Steve's hospitality was spectacular! Their home really made Eric and I miss Nottingham! (Shocker, I know!)

I got to try my first Dinkel's cake too! 

Saturday we started the day with a much dreaded practice; Baptiste yoga. I knew it was going to be challenging and I knew it was going to be hot. I was truly afraid of it though. I wasn't the only one who was super vocal in the fact that I truly just did not want to go to this practice. That was reassuring, but I still wasn't sold.

We parked and walked to the studio and I thought... "Great... more walking - in the snow! UGH! Seriously?" Then, Mindy opened the door to s t a i r s. THREE flights of stairs to be exact... and I thought, "Are you effing kidding me? You want me to practice this God awful yoga class, and first I have to walk up ALL of these stairs?" Pretty sure I rolled my eyes, and continued on.

I walked in to the studio space and thought "Hmm. Well... The space is pretty. At least there's that" and proceeded to take off my shoes and fleece.

I filled out the wavier and got to the question that asked about medical conditions and physical limitations. I stared at it blankly for quite some time. All I thought was "What do I write? ... Well, I fell on my knee... That's certainly been a pain in the ass in my regular yoga classes. I guess write that it sometimes gets achy..."

Then I refocused on that word limitations... "What are my limitations? Well, clearly they weren't the half block and three flights of stairs I just climbed. I mean, I'm here aren't I?"

I glanced at Eb and then took my attention back down to the piece of paper. My focus solely on the word limitations at this point.

"Limitations? Clearly, you can see what I look like. I'm plus size. That's a limitation! Because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to do half of what you want me to... So, what's my limitation?? I'm fat! That's my limitation... That can't be a limitation. You can't write 'fat' or 'plus size' there. That's stupid. Why would you write that?"

No sooner then I literally had this conversation in my head (and no, I swear I'm not crazy either lol) the words 'Plus Size' were scribbled on the page. Immediately I wished for white out. Did I really just talk about how achy my knee had been... and then proceed to classify the way my body looks IN THE SAME ANSWER? Yep, I sure did.

THAT'S NOT OKAY! My body is my body. I should not feel that as a limitation. I work around it. That's what I've been working so hard for... That's why I did ALL of this!

Regardless, I reluctantly handed in the form and went into the room to get set up.

My initial reaction; "Great... they don't have bolsters... So on top of me being uncomfortable and hot, I'm going to ache because I'm on the floor." The first thing I did when I walked in that BEAUTIFUL room was notice whether they had bolsters or not. Not the beautiful view. Not the huge half dollar size snowflakes falling from the skies. Not the tree limbs covered in thick sheets of snow... But bolsters? Really?!?

I went over to the wall, and noticed they had super size blocks.

This changed everything for me! I grabbed two, then I picked up a blanket, strap and two regular size blocks. I laid down my mat. and then put the two monster blocks together and laid the blanket over them.

MAGIC! I had a seat! I sat down.

When I finally got the nerve to get out of my head I realized, the view was GORGEOUS! The temperature? A mere 80-something degrees (it ended up getting to 93 during practice). It was pure heaven being warm and cozy in a shirt and leggings and seeing snow and frigid cold staring back at me through the windows.

We huddled first and talked fears. Throwing them out, and writing them down. Then we dedicated our practice to letting go of those fears and tuning into our own body.

Eb was AMAZING! Just spectacular.

By the end of practice I realized; I may not have been able to do everything or even what most of my classmates did. But I did what I could. I tuned into my body and did what it needed... You have no idea how amazing this feels unless you've done it for yourself. This is why I decided to become a teacher... THIS is what I want to share with the world.


I have to say - I learned more about myself on that mat and in that room in the 2 hours we were there than I ever expected.It was raw and it was beautiful. The things I thought I would hate - I LOVED! Had I not at least tried, I never would have known this. It made me realize that catering to my fears and then letting them win time and time again had me truly blocking out the joy in life by blocking out the pain. Never again will I let fear define or the choices I make! I am filled with an abundance of positive energy, and I will take that in all that I do going forward!

Fear is a NASTY thing! It swallows you whole, and takes charge! If I had given in... I never would have experienced what I did. Sure, I'm not proud of some of the things that happened. But, I learned from them. That's all I can ever ask from something like this.

After practice, we headed over to Native Foods for lunch. I wasn't as impressed as everyone else was with their nachos... But their Chili... YES!!!! So so good! I also managed to fall in love with Wicker Park too. (imagine that)


Later in the evening before we went home, we also had a few Puja ceremonial things... AKA "The Woo"

Here we wrote one thing we wanted to be rid of and to let go of and then lit it on fire and threw it in the bowl. Mine was fear... I know you're not supposed to talk about it after you burn it. Because at that point; it's done. BUT, I want to remind myself. I want to share this with people.


The roads Saturday night were awful! But, we made it home. At almost midnight, but nonetheless we made it!

Sunday we started at 9. We had a lot of little ends to tie in our classroom things. MY favorite part was definitely lunch at the diner, and our closing ceremony. Mindy made AWESOME yoga guy cookies!

There is no doubt, I am going to miss these girls something awful! I am so grateful for each and every one of them. They've changed me and I love them for that!

Here is my "Mishelle, go stand over here so I can see if the lighting is okay" pose. LOL

Here is my "Mishelle, go stand over here so I can see if the lighting is okay" pose. LOL

First PUBLIC Class

So, Sunday we taught our 60 minutes classes. These classes were opened and offered to the public at no cost. I designed my class to be a Gentle Restorative Candlelight class and I had 7 people preregister for my class that I didn't even know. THIS FREAKED ME OUT! But, at least I can say the first is done with, right? Two of my cousins came so it was nice to be able to have a couple faces I recognized.

When I planned this and originally sequenced it, I wanted to do something more restorative than I'm used to. I still included movement on a few standing poses, and I was happy with that. But planning it this way could have been my first mistake.

THEN, I tried like hell to move away from that piece of paper! I read the meditation or readings I had written or saved. Then, I would turn to the page I needed as I needed it, but I tried to walk around and give cues without using a script. I actually was SUPER impressed and proud of myself for this. I think I did a fairly decent job doing this as well. I was off the mat. I tried to help offer adjustments. (*I'm not totally comfortable in that just yet) But I tried. I'm proud of that!

However, in doing this. I skipped completely over an entire page I had planned. The part where we got up and moved. I didn't realize it, until it was too far to back track. Making them get up would have completely derailed the entire thing. So, I kept going and added another restorative pose. There were counter poses I should have added... and there were things I think I should have taken out. I really wanted to play with Bridge pose. But, I think it may have been too much. I don't know. I had such a mixed reaction of how the class went. Of course I'm not taking any of that to heart. Live and learn! I know what to do, and what not to do next time and for that I am grateful!

The room was BEAUTIFUL! I went out and took advantage of Hobby Lobby's 50% off candles sale and got LOTS of LED candles! I do wish I would have diffused an essential oil as well though! I also wish I would have taken pictures. I didn't even think of this. I didn't even take candid shots when we were doing our photo shoot earlier in the day! :-(

I wasn't happy with my Savasana song. It played the wrong one. A couple mentioned the song being too fast for their liking in Savasana. That was GREAT feedback. I thought it was a beautiful song. While, I sat there absorbing the entire practice I just taught, I found it lovely. BUT it's good to know these things. Maybe next time I only include that in practice. Maybe the WOO song would have been okay for Savasana.

I had gone to a restorative class where they put out chocolates at the end. I really like that. It was the best piece of chocolate I had ever eaten (and it was just a Dove chocolate). I had taken an hour (or so) for just me, and I savored every taste of that tiny chocolate. I knew I wanted to offer this too; and so I did. 

I've got so many great things in the works!! I can't wait to share!

Last week my position at Focus Om Batavia was made 'Facebook Official'. Here's my blurb! :-)

I also met with Oswego Park District last week!

I am so freaking excited to begin this next venture in my life! Everything is falling into place and I am so grateful for that!

**I guess technically this wasn't my first PUBLIC class... It was however, the first class I taught to strangers! :-)


I'm planning my 60 minute sequence and it's stressing me out. Time constraints are one of my worst enemies I'm noticing LOL

But, that explains why I didn't blog directly after the weekend like I typically do. We ALSO did inversions the last half of the day Sunday. So, Crow, Plow, hand stand, shoulder stand & head stand. It was hard. I was scared. I was i n t i m i d a t e d ! In fact, I almost just lost it and cried. But I swallowed my tears and just watched. I took notes. But I wasn't brave. I was mad at myself for not being brave. Not saying I had to try head stand or anything. BUT I could have tried the set-ups. The "simple" things to prepare for the pose. I wanted NO part. I didn't want to talk about it, so that's why I remained silent.

I'm still tweaking my class for Sunday. I have 2 people I don't know signed up. Knowing this is stressing me out. I don't know why. I'm excited to teach. But I'm also nervous.

Things are falling into place. In fact, that's happened since day 1 of me truly thinking of doing this.

That's all I've got for now....

On The Mat

Hello friends! I've got some exciting news! I've partnered up with a few local yoga studios to bring you;


This will be a 4 class event. I'm hoping to add more dates, but I'm just glad I have my original 4 planned! Originally I had planned 2 to be at Shine and then 2 to be held at the Tiger Club in Aurora. Things haven't panned out with my 2nd location. I'm sure it just needs time. So, I contacted Jenny at Focus Om, and they are going to allow me to hold 2 of my classes there.

I originally wanted to get the 5 Class Passes set up for you. However, I'm fine tuning the details with Focus - and it's looking like this will be a public community event held by them. We will follow their pay structure for this class so unfortunately, I will have to restrict class passes from this location all together.

I have a couple discount codes going around. So if you do plan on purchasing a class pass for a discounted rate, please know that they will not expire and that I AM planning on having more classes within the area. I will be looking at renting Shine out after the new year as well as adding completely NEW locations to the mix.

During this class, it is my intention that you'll be able to take the time to experience a moment for yourself!

We'll practice gentle yoga asanas (postures) and follow it up with a 30 minute candlelight yoga nidra meditation.

In the midst of the holiday season, I promise you, this is JUST what the doctor ordered!

This definitely won't be your typical yoga class! Expect to move a bit, but be prepared for meditation and deep connection with your mind and body!


Shine Studio Batavia
Sunday, November 29th from 4:00-5:30 PM
(available for purchase now!)

*join me after for dinner and drinks at Pal Joey's!

Shine Studio Batavia
Friday, December 11th from 7:00-8:30 PM
(available for purchase now!)

Focus Om Batavia
Sunday, December 20th from
3:00 - 4:30 PM
*stay tuned for rates and details!

Focus Om Batavia
Sunday, January 17th from
5:30 - 7:00 PM
*stay tuned for rates and details!


Want to get updates sent directly to your Inbox? Subscribe to get up to date class notifications and cancellations.

Slow down!

I keep saying "I just have to get through November" or "this sucks" in reference to missing Sundays... My husband... FALL... But in all honesty, I don't know what I'm going to do without these girls in my life every week!

As much as I say "I don't want to do this" pertaining to something challenging... I push myself through it, and I have these girls to witness it. As much as I say "Man, I really HATE being here for 12 hours EVERY Sunday"... I have these girls experiencing it right alongside me. So - yeah I want my Sundays back. But I wouldn't trade this for the world.

I've become one of those girls who can cry on the fly. That's teacher training. It's changing me. It's bringing things out that I buried deep inside and things I didn't know were there. We're sharing and we are changing and growing together just as much as we are separately. I find each one of these ladies SO inspiring! It's going to be hard when this comes to a close. So, I'm getting the tissues ready!

Friday night we went to Chicago Diner after training. I'm definitely looking forward to more outings like this! The best part was our dessert circle; 3 desserts constantly circling the table. :-)


Sunday morning we had a restorative training. If you didn't already know I was super into restorative yoga; my notes surely give me away! I found myself not wanting to do the poses (I've done all of them before) but taking notes frantically as Cindy spoke. I'm looking forward to a certification training from her next year!


Officially, I'm the cool kid storing her mat at her studio... (But more importantly, I got tired of lugging it back and forth all weekend lol)


Ganesha Plus Training... :-) *That's a thing now!

I was all cute and matchy matchy Sunday. bears sweater, headband, matching tank colors. I rocked it!! Then someone asked me who we played and I had no clue. (Turned out it was a Bye week!) lol My response was "I just wanted wear my new sweater and look cute!" lol Here's me Snap Chatting during lunch!

Sunday we also went over Business of Yoga. Which happened to be perfect for when I got home. I've yet to make my own official announcement; but those important to me know AND my husband sport of spilled the beans on Facebook. I love his love and support for me. It means the whole world to me!

I'll be making a more detailed announcement in coming weeks. But I'm proud to share that come December, I will be a part of the team at Focus Om (formerly A Journey Om) in Batavia. I will have 2 regular classes; True Beginners on Thursday mornings and Curvy Girl Yoga on Saturday mornings beginning the first week of December.

I've began to add these tabs under my Class Schedule here on the website. But, I'm sure you want more detailed info as to the cost, and whether you have to sign up before hand. So I will be sharing that information soon enough! Right now, I'm just designing my classes, getting my information ready for their website, and starting to market myself.

I still plan on having other locations that I will be teaching as "Savvy Serenity". More details on that will be coming soon! I'm also structuring those classes, securing locations and dates! I'm planning a small series of classes called "On The Mat" so look for that real soon! You can sign up for notifications on those classes here;

Hello, Fall! (goodbye Fall...)

This weekend was jam-packed with AWESOME! I am so unbelievably lucky to be doing what I'm doing, and to have the people who I have in my life.

Friday I went to my brother's Senior Night and the last home game of the Football season. I have to say, the farther we get into the school year - the more it sinks in, and the more I become an emotional wreck. If I never have kids, I will at least know what THIS feels like. Though, it might be better experiencing this because it's already so intense. I'm not sure I can even begin to fathom when this happens to me with my own kids.

Saturday was my husband and I's 6 year anniversary! Next month we will be together for a total of 10 years. God that makes me feel so old! I'm so lucky to have had the opportunity to have this amazing man in my life. He is there, through thick and thin - no matter what. I'm so happy I get to share this life with him, because there is no one else I would rather share it with. Saturday morning we had a little photo shoot.

This one happens to be my favorite picture!

We spent the afternoon with Eric's Mom. Had pizza (YUM!) and watched movies. She kept Cooper for the night so, we use that night to stop by the Club during bowling to see some friends we haven't seen in what feels like forever. I loved catching up and I wish we could see everyone more often. But with hectic schedules and a dog with some real separation anxiety issues - this becomes damn near impossible!

Sunday I had training. I ended up hurting my knee during the photo shoot after Cooper decided to take a walk in the woods. So, I skipped the morning practice and a lot of the poses I merely watched.

My favorite and least favorite time has become when we go over the Yamas & Niyamas book and homework. It's intense now. Like, sit for an hour and cry - intense. That's hard for me. But I'm facing some deep emotions that I'm bottling up inside. Oh yoga teacher training...

I LOVE these girls! They and this whole program are changing me!

Though one of us was out sick; we managed to still keep her there in spirit. Somehow, a chair was left out for her. Hopefully she is feeling better now. But know how much you were missed Linda! :-)

I found myself really inspired during some of the poses. I caught myself frantically trying to write things as Mindy or Jane said them. Quotes, modifications, more quotes... It's beautiful when the hardest poses that aren't for you inspire you as much as they do!!

October is almost over and it's going by so fast!!! I'm trying to savor every moment I can. But it's getting hard!


Here is another one of my favorites from our photo shoot :-)

b l e s s e d

In life there are always people who come and go. They usually have some sort of purpose or meaning as in the end; you learn something each time someone comes in and each time someone exits your life.

Then there are those who come into your life, like a beautiful storm. They uproot you - in the most powerful p o s i t i v e way. In a way you've been longing for without actually knowing it. They change you. I met Caitlin when I was first starting Yoga. Quite honestly, if I didn't have her as a teacher I truly don't think I would have fallen in love with Yoga as much as I have. Everything about Caitlin is beautiful. She just has this way with people and it's amazing. I am so grateful that we have also become good friends in this life and I seriously cannot thank her enough. She has believed in me when I didn't. She's encouraged me when I needed it, and she's listened to me when I've asked. She is by far my greatest inspiration not just in my Yoga journey, but in life!

Quite a while after my practice started, she began suggesting I check into a teacher training program. At first, I thought; (and even called her) crazy! But as I began attending more than just her Yoga class, it started to click. I needed to do this. I needed to offer what I was looking for in a Yoga class. Because I knew people like me were growing discouraged.

It was her I went to when I felt lost and needed that last little nudge; and it was her I went to when I first got accepted into training! Not only was she ecstatic for me to begin training; she also began developing a plan for me. And this was where I really realized; "Man. I am so freaking blessed to have someone like her in my life."

A couple months after I was accepted at Ganesha, she approached me with this amazing idea. She was going to take a break from teaching over the Summer (which of course was a major bummer for me - but I understood). But while she did that, she still wanted the studio to offer Plus Size Yoga. This time it would be offered as a drop in; with rotating teachers.

She had mentioned to the studio owner about asking me to student teach a class. She would help me sequence it and it would be a start to my training so to speak. I remember just staring at her in awe. I couldn't believe this was actually happening.

In the short time I've known her, my husband and I have become great friends with her and her husband. We've hung out at parties with her HUGE awesome family and I've watched her grow into a beautiful loving mother to the most handsome baby boy. I so truly blessed and eternally grateful that God brought her into my life. I can't even imagine my life (or even beginning this Yoga teacher training for that matter) without her at this point.

I will never ever be able to thank her enough for what she has done for me.

You can go check out Caitlin's Facebook page - Plus Size Yoga here. She offers classes as a series at Shine Studio in Batavia.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/PlusSizeYoga

my "last weekend"

Going forward, blogging is totally going to be hit or miss for me. Last weekend was my true "LAST WEEKEND" before training begins. Here's a short re-cap of what I did.

Friday - came home, relaxed for a bit and caught a movie with my brother and husband. After we got home, a couple of our cousins came over for some drinks and ended up staying the night.

Saturday - ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NOTHING! Boy did that feel amazing! My husband had made plans to go on a guy's trip to the Cubs v. Sox game. I went to run a couple errands in the morning and from then on, I crafted a little, watched the entire first season on True Detective (OMG! SO GOOD!). Napped. Ate. My brother came over. Napped some more. Crafted a little more. Ate a dinner that consisted of JUST macaroni and cheese (HELLO INNER 5 YEAR OLD SELF!).

Sunday - Day 2 of absolutely NOTHING! I didn't even finish my craft project! We watched a few episodes of season 2 of True Detective. Went for a ride with the doggies and got ice cream. Then we came home and I cooked a spectacular feast of Mexican food that we purchased from the tiny Mexican store down the street. Pretty sure I may have been a latina in a past life! SO freaking good!

The weekend prior I celebrated with a Girls Weekend in Wisconsin. (expect this portion to be photo heavy!)

We had SO much fun! We started with the drive up on Friday with 3 of us. Saturday we got up and explored nature and did a little shopping. Then 1 other girl came up and decided last minute to take a small trip to Lacrosse and get tattoos! I know! I was shocked by myself too! Sunday we woke up, did a little more exploring and then headed home. Summer coming home from Wisconsin traffic is AWFUL! But it was still fun! All in all. These last 2 weeks have been AWESOME! I can't wait to see what the next few j a m - p a c k e d busy weekends do! It's going to change me... I just know it!

On Saturday we had every intention of going to the beach. However it was cold and cloudy! SO, we nixed that idea and went exploring. This was one of the areas we stopped at. Devil's Elbow. The flowers had finally bloomed on the lily pads and they we…

On Saturday we had every intention of going to the beach. However it was cold and cloudy! SO, we nixed that idea and went exploring. This was one of the areas we stopped at. Devil's Elbow. The flowers had finally bloomed on the lily pads and they were BEAUTIFUL!

Caitlin looking out on the lake! My FAVORITE picture of the weekend!

Caitlin looking out on the lake! My FAVORITE picture of the weekend!

Oh yeah. We got tattoos! Now THAT was an experience! So glad I got to share it with these three ladies! (one was just there for moral support!)

Oh yeah. We got tattoos! Now THAT was an experience! So glad I got to share it with these three ladies! (one was just there for moral support!)

Ami, Myself and Caitlin after a few too many drinks :-)

Ami, Myself and Caitlin after a few too many drinks :-)

Sunday actually ended up being the PERFECT beach day! But we only went in and dipped our toes!

Sunday actually ended up being the PERFECT beach day! But we only went in and dipped our toes!

Here is us on another beach. This is usually where Eric and I take the dogs to swim! It was beautiful though. MINUS the huge dead catfish that REAKED!

Here is us on another beach. This is usually where Eric and I take the dogs to swim! It was beautiful though. MINUS the huge dead catfish that REAKED!

It was so beautiful that day!

It was so beautiful that day!

Kathleen, Caitlin, Ami and I posing with Caitlin's selfie stick! (SHE ONLY HAD IT BECAUSE SHE DESIGNED THE PICTURES ON IT!) haha

Kathleen, Caitlin, Ami and I posing with Caitlin's selfie stick! (SHE ONLY HAD IT BECAUSE SHE DESIGNED THE PICTURES ON IT!) haha

We also stumbled upon this cemetery from the 1800s. It was a bit eerie, but so neat! This cemetery consisted of lots of women and children. We walked through trying to decipher their stories and just pay tribute to them. The stones were so old yet s…

We also stumbled upon this cemetery from the 1800s. It was a bit eerie, but so neat! This cemetery consisted of lots of women and children. We walked through trying to decipher their stories and just pay tribute to them. The stones were so old yet so beautiful!

My Yoga Journal

Well into my 2nd series of Yoga classes, I began keeping a Yoga journal.. I wouldn't write in it every time. But occasionally I was experiencing things and I wanted a place to keep everything. I wanted to be able to remember and look back on some of the things that were happening. Not only that, but I'm a HUGE believer in everything that happens having some kind of meaning or connection. So, I would try my best to search the meaning of what was happening too. This was also the peak of my whole questioning everything phase. Things that I wanted weren't happening for me. Instead they were happening for everyone else, and I couldn't figure out why I was left out of God's plan at the time.

I had a rather interesting Savasana one evening, and after talking with my instructor; she urged me once again to really start to write these things down.

So, I ventured to Target, bought a journal and began to document my journey.

Inside I would document everything I experienced, and then either at that time or later on, research meanings behind certain things.

I would see a lot of these things come back to me in later practices or in every day life. Some things would just correlate to what I was thinking or feeling at the time and some  just went left unexplained.

It essentially became my Yoga diary!

I actually just noticed this too! The entry above was the FIRST entry. It was the sole reason on why I wanted to start a journal. Later on the following year,  I attended a Peace Meditation/Vigil that ultimately was the beginning of my what I'l…

I actually just noticed this too! The entry above was the FIRST entry. It was the sole reason on why I wanted to start a journal. Later on the following year,  I attended a Peace Meditation/Vigil that ultimately was the beginning of my what I'll call "series of fortunate events" that lead me to decide on being a yoga teacher. During that meditation, one of the mantras was "Om Namah Shivaya". When I read that last night, I immediately got goosebumps!

I also found myself adding things I found inspiring or pieces of information I wanted to save to the back of my journal.

Mara Glatzel is SO inspiring! I suggest venturing over to her website and signing up for her weekly love notes!

Mara Glatzel is SO inspiring! I suggest venturing over to her website and signing up for her weekly love notes!

When I was set on the teacher training program, I began saving every piece of anything I came across that inspired me. I wanted to be able to refer back to it upon planning my own Yoga classes. Thus my Yoga binder was born!

You'll notice it is QUITE thicker than my journal. I have not only pieces that I've saved on the history of yoga; but poems, quotes and writings that I'll dedicate to future Savasana's or class themes.

You'll notice it is QUITE thicker than my journal. I have not only pieces that I've saved on the history of yoga; but poems, quotes and writings that I'll dedicate to future Savasana's or class themes.

My Yoga notebook has taken the back burner to my binder. But, once I rediscovered it, I remembered why I loved having it so much. There are things that I wish I had written in there. Things that maybe I'll end up adding just to make it complete.

The beautiful thing about it is you can stop and begin again whenever you'd like. Maybe you're not feeling things in your practices. Maybe you need a break. Take it and come back to it when you're ready. It's always there when you want to record your next moment. It doesn't have to be an actual notebook. Start a word document or folder on your computer to journal your practices. Maybe you'll even be brave and start blogging about them.

Truly though. I wish I had taken my Yoga instructors advice sooner on starting it. So many times we go through the day to day not noticing the small things. It's nice to be able to have something that's my own to reflect upon.