As most of you already know, the night before I began Teacher Training at Ganesha, I embarked on my first ever Yoga class as a teacher.
All the planning and practicing lead up to me finally making my debut. I am so grateful to Caitlin for making this happen! For believing in me and pushing me. And to Kay for allowing me to come into the studio and teach. I am just so blessed!
I had a GREAT turn out! It was an awesome group of 11 amazing women made up of family, friends and friends of friends. The fact that each and every one of them came to show their support is just mesmerizing. It wasn't for every one, and I'm okay with that. But for those who I did "change" - it was an amazing feeling to be a part of that.
I arrived at the studio at 5:45. My class didn't start until 7. I just needed to breathe, in a comforting environment and "get in the zone". I took some time to read over my class and then I decided to set up the room. I knew I would have quite a few people and I didn't want to spend 20 minutes just getting set up. So, I set up 11 spaces. Thanks to my fabulous family and friends, I ended up having the most attend for the drop-in. Which was AWESOME!
When I started class, I got a little nervous. I knew I was going to have that moment where I froze. So, that's why I took the time to write everything out. Even with that, there were still some points I skipped.
I only got lost once. That was at the end of the practice. I would say the room was half relaxed and half "what do I do? I can't hear". I wasn't sure what tone to use. I didn't want to scream. It's also hard to get up there and command things of people. Especially when you're nice. So, I'd say I haven't found my yoga voice yet. But I'm getting there.
It was actually amazing to have that under my belt before doing the round robin at teacher training. I felt more comfortable, PLUS I went off what I had sequenced in that class.
I wanted the evening to be about balance and bliss. Not so much balance pose wise. But finding that balance within life and your practice. I wanted people to feel like, "oh my gosh! this helps with all of the stress I had today. I NEED TO COME BACK!" Some did.
And some it just wasn't for. They wanted to m o v e. And I can't blame them for that. As I've said before, the beautiful thing about yoga is it can be so many things. I want my practices to be of course a challenge to you, but be gentle and relaxing all the same. You could say I would want it to challenge you more mentally than physically in the fact that I want you to challenge YOURSELF to put YOU first!
There were quite a few who asked me when I was teaching next! Genuinely; they loved it! That was so amazing! It was worth everything!!! I even had my Mom call me to ask "Well, when are you teaching there again?" "Oh, well, they should add a drop in!" and "Well, Okay, I think I want to come to Caitlin's class with you!" I've been begging her to come with me to Caitlin's class for almost 2 years now!!! So, If I could turn my Mom... That was an AWESOME thing for me. Lots asked me when I would be back, when there would be more yoga for them, and where I would suggest they go to find it. It was an awesome feeling to be able to bring this into people's lives. MY YOGA... MINE... My yoga made them start to love it and long for more of it. That still gives me chills.
Finding MY YOGA is a work in progress. I know what I want; for the majority. I'm finding things I want to add. I'm just starting my training. So, it could very well change. I'm just keeping an open mind about everything. If I don't feel I'm ready to teach in November, I won't. or maybe I'll limit myself to what I teach until I get ALL of the training I want. That's the beauty of this. I can go at my own pace. I have the judgement to control when and what I teach. Sure, I can come out of this and be like, "LETS GO!" But... It's not about that for me. I want to be the best teacher I can be! So, if I have to wait; I'll have to wait. We'll see what happens. I'm excited! I've got lots of things planned to learn all I can!!!