Sequencing Part 2

You can view part 1 of this blog series HERE!

This week I've begun practicing my sequence. The first day I flowed through it. I'm not going to lie. If you're a newbie, it's definitely going to challenge you. Not just physically either. But I can already tell you're going to leave feeling so renewed and refreshed.

I spent 2 hours (it could have been a bit more... it probably was) searching ITunes for songs to include on my playlist for the class. I ended up spending almost $20 and have some really great core songs for future. I know. I know. "But Mishelle, there is Pandora, and Spotify; why aren't you just using those kinds of things?" Honestly, I've not had enough experience with Spotify to use it for a class yet. I have the free version, so I know there would be Ads. That's not to say I wouldn't splurge in the end. I very well may. But I truly want everything to flow with ease, and creating a playlist on my IPhone is something I don't have to worry about. It's a no muss no fuss. You know, for the most part!

I am looking into making my Playlist available on Spotify though for after class. The creative juices have actually begun to flow. I am also now trying to figure out how I ccan offer this to more than just those who drop in to my class August 20th. Ever since I started practicing this thing on my own, I've also gotten the idea for a workshop. But, it will be something that isn't available until closer to the end of the year when I finish my training. Don't worry! I've got some things up my sleeves. I'm praying that they work.

I've never felt so connected to my practice before. I don't know whether it's the fact that it's me.... MY heart and soul that went into it. Or if I'm just really enjoying a heart opening practice at the moment. It could be both. I am noticing that all of things I've tried, I'm slowly incorporating into the way I teach. I love that. I tell when I'm using something this instructor taught me and when I'm using something another taught. It's beautiful. It truly is.