First PUBLIC Class

So, Sunday we taught our 60 minutes classes. These classes were opened and offered to the public at no cost. I designed my class to be a Gentle Restorative Candlelight class and I had 7 people preregister for my class that I didn't even know. THIS FREAKED ME OUT! But, at least I can say the first is done with, right? Two of my cousins came so it was nice to be able to have a couple faces I recognized.

When I planned this and originally sequenced it, I wanted to do something more restorative than I'm used to. I still included movement on a few standing poses, and I was happy with that. But planning it this way could have been my first mistake.

THEN, I tried like hell to move away from that piece of paper! I read the meditation or readings I had written or saved. Then, I would turn to the page I needed as I needed it, but I tried to walk around and give cues without using a script. I actually was SUPER impressed and proud of myself for this. I think I did a fairly decent job doing this as well. I was off the mat. I tried to help offer adjustments. (*I'm not totally comfortable in that just yet) But I tried. I'm proud of that!

However, in doing this. I skipped completely over an entire page I had planned. The part where we got up and moved. I didn't realize it, until it was too far to back track. Making them get up would have completely derailed the entire thing. So, I kept going and added another restorative pose. There were counter poses I should have added... and there were things I think I should have taken out. I really wanted to play with Bridge pose. But, I think it may have been too much. I don't know. I had such a mixed reaction of how the class went. Of course I'm not taking any of that to heart. Live and learn! I know what to do, and what not to do next time and for that I am grateful!

The room was BEAUTIFUL! I went out and took advantage of Hobby Lobby's 50% off candles sale and got LOTS of LED candles! I do wish I would have diffused an essential oil as well though! I also wish I would have taken pictures. I didn't even think of this. I didn't even take candid shots when we were doing our photo shoot earlier in the day! :-(

I wasn't happy with my Savasana song. It played the wrong one. A couple mentioned the song being too fast for their liking in Savasana. That was GREAT feedback. I thought it was a beautiful song. While, I sat there absorbing the entire practice I just taught, I found it lovely. BUT it's good to know these things. Maybe next time I only include that in practice. Maybe the WOO song would have been okay for Savasana.

I had gone to a restorative class where they put out chocolates at the end. I really like that. It was the best piece of chocolate I had ever eaten (and it was just a Dove chocolate). I had taken an hour (or so) for just me, and I savored every taste of that tiny chocolate. I knew I wanted to offer this too; and so I did. 

I've got so many great things in the works!! I can't wait to share!

Last week my position at Focus Om Batavia was made 'Facebook Official'. Here's my blurb! :-)

I also met with Oswego Park District last week!

I am so freaking excited to begin this next venture in my life! Everything is falling into place and I am so grateful for that!

**I guess technically this wasn't my first PUBLIC class... It was however, the first class I taught to strangers! :-)