bucket list

Summer Bucket List

Summer is already off to a swift start! It's nearly almost July... when did that happen? I am truly finding myself on a path to discovery, constantly finding out what works and what doesn't. It's almost sort of ever changing too in that aspect, but I'm figuring it out.

I've got some time off coming up and I'm planning on using it to disconnect from technology, and connecting back with nature, life and my husband! I'm not sure what we'll be doing exactly, but I'd love to get the house in order AND maybe take a small road trip or something to get out and explore! 

Among many many MANY Summer plans I've got a pretty decent sized bucket list going of things I would love to accomplish by the time Fall rolls around! 

- visit Starved Rock
- go blueberry picking (the pups LOVE berries! So I try to keep them in the house at all times!)
- go strawberry picking
- tending to our small garden;
    -   I'll need to get some tomato cages and trellises for the vine plants that are growing
    -  My herb garden didn't work out to my advantage this time around. I've got about 3 plants from my kitchen planter that I think I can salvage into bigger pots. My mint though...  ON POINT! Same with my lavender! I think I will be looking up some DIY recipes to make sure it all gets used!
- I'm challenging myself to complete 5 (or more) classes, workshops, meetings with a mentor or weekend retreats to help being a little more self-care back into my life over the summer. 
- Sort through all of our closets and dresser drawers and get rid of things that don't suit our needs anymore.
- Complete the same task of de-cluttering our garage, shed and basement
- Car shopping
- Price the materials needed for our mini home renovation
- Get to Wisconsin at least once this year
- Begin at home yoga and meditation practice
- Set up a yoga space at home
- Dive into (and complete) 3 yoga books (seriously, they're everywhere!!)
- Secure space at a new studio for Fall
- Book a photo shoot for yoga advertising
- attend the flea market once (or twice lol)
- get to the pool and make use of my season pass

So, yeah... that and all other things that consist of teaching, weddings, showers, bachelorete parties, birthday parties, graduations, festivals and other various family events. I'm so looking forward to the remainder of summer!

On a side note; Cooper is finally able to be left alone! For those of you who don't know we have struggled this past year with Cooper and his separation anxiety! It was a long (really long) year of trials and errors! It what feels like, and could quite have been, overnight; Cooper was almost like a different dog. Calm... relaxed... and just chill! He didn't care whether he had someone by his side 24/7... or about pretty much anything about relaxing. So, we took this as a sign to try a little more vigorously as getting him to be home alone - well with his doggie brother.

The first week we tried anywhere from anywhere between 1 hr and 1 hr 45 min. He was completely fine. That got pushed to 2-3 hrs and from there we left him while we are at work with someone checking on him mid-day. He did fine and quite frankly, didn't really even care someone had come to check on him. So, we stopped that and officially, he is good at home for a period of 5-6.5 hrs! 

I just feel this huge sign of relief! We missed out on so much this past year! Friendships even ended because they didn't understand what was happening. It was so stressful! We were CONSTANTLY judged by others and truly were at our wits end! Oh the judgement... I am just oh so thankful to those that have and continue to offer their help and understanding! Without that, I don't even want to think of where we would be now. 

Until you've actually lived it, you probably won't ever understand. But I do encourage everyone reading to reach out to someone you know who is experiencing something similar and just offer your shoulder! Don't judge! And if you can, research what separation anxiety is like for the animal AND for the person caring for that animal! It's hard! OH so hard! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! The pain and sorrow these animals go through before they are rescued simply baffles me. How can anyone be so cruel?

Alright.. Off to explore Summer! 

The blog will most likely continue to be pretty light. BUT you can find me over on my Facebook page; Savvy Serenity Yoga. Right now I'm starting #daretodream where I will be posting daily quotes and weekly meditations as I begin to embark on my journey within. 

I've also got a few classes coming up;
Curvy Yoga in the ParkBliss Woods | Sugar GroveJuly 30th, August 27th 8AM

Curvy Yoga in the Park
Bliss Woods | Sugar Grove
July 30th, August 27th 8AM

Farmers Market YogaBatavia Farmer's MarketJuly 23rd 8AM

Farmers Market Yoga
Batavia Farmer's Market
July 23rd 8AM

If you're interested in taking one of my classes, please email me at savvyserenityyoga@gmail.com



email curvyyogafocusom@gmail.com to register or visit www.focus-om.com