balanced bliss

Balanced Bliss Sequence

Words cannot begin to express how grateful I am to all of those who came to my class last night! Thank you all!

I tried like heck to make this available on Spotify, but I couldn't find a lot of the songs there. To be honest, I'm not the greatest with Spotify either. That's why I went with what I knew. But, both playlists are about an hour and twenty three minutes. The first playlist is what was started in class. After the reading, I switched to the second playlist.  If you remember or want a specific song, let me know and we can probably figure it out.

Here's a screen shot of my iTunes playlists in case you want to purchase any of those songs. (Photos show the order they were played; from left to right). I'll figure out this whole sharing thing sooner or later :-)

This was played through the actual yoga sequence

This was played through the actual yoga sequence

This was played after the reading. Towards the end of Enchanted Forest, I had begun to have you come back to 'reality'. We completed the end of the practice with Balance playing; which was also the song we started the practice with.

This was played after the reading. Towards the end of Enchanted Forest, I had begun to have you come back to 'reality'. We completed the end of the practice with Balance playing; which was also the song we started the practice with.


The reading was an excerpt from Melody Beattie's Journey to the Heart. If you'd like the exact reading, let me know!

You can find this book on which is where I got mine!

You can find this book on which is where I got mine!

If you have any questions or want further explanation on any of the poses we did, please let me know! Simply fill in the information and click submit. Once I receive it, I will get back to you as soon as possible.


**Please note; due to me being in training the entire weekend of August 21-23rd; I may not be able to get to my email right away. Expect a response no later than Monday August 24th.

It was a pleasure having you in my first yoga class!
