After what was THE MOST insanely A M A Z I N G weekend, I've been down for the count.
Friday morning a friend called me with last minute tickets to Zac Brown Band at Wrigley. OF COURSE I rearranged my entire schedule to go. It was the MOST amazing experience EVER! Seriously! We got SO close to the stage!
And que my new Zac Brown Band obsession! lol
Sunday was my 3rd weekend of training. That's the day my sickness first started. So, I didn't even have a solid plan as to recap the weekend here like I normally do. We had a late start - so that was awesome!
I was so overly tired that I completely fell asleep in Yoga Nidra. Like, more than once. I know I jolted like 3 or 4 times. I'm not sure how many times I snored, but at least once I was told LOL I was so tired! and I knew I was getting sick. I just felt off. So I'm not surprised. It was SO relaxing. Sometimes those are the best "naps".
After Yoga Nidra was lunch. It took me forever to get up though. Once I did, the room looked like a total "morning after the sleepover".
We also taught our 5-Pose sequences. Wasn't my best work! By that time I was exhausted, and feeling more miserable. I know I should have practiced more. But I didn't I'll definitely have to work on that for the next one. We teach a 10 Pose Sequence. I need to find my voice.... And I need to be better with things coming off the top of my head. I'm not good with that in real life - so it doesn't surprise me that this may be my biggest challenge!