Emotionally Drained

Last weekend was INTENSE! This was our 2nd full weekend and the first for October. I left work early Friday to make sure I was there on time. Ended up being a half hour early. Of course, whenever I'm early others run late - SO I couldn't use the time to set up the stuff and just chill OR relax in the garden because the gate was locked. BUT a few of us had a really entertaining conversation as we waited.

Friday was all yoga poses. Learning them, watching, learning and suggesting modifications.

Honestly, Saturday I can't even remember off the top of my head all that we did. The whole entire weekend sort of jumbles together. We had an Ayurveda session with Yoli. HOLY CRAP! Was that insightful. I couldn't even really speak up because I literally was like a child during story time. So interested in everything. In fact, I didn't even remember to speak up when she hadn't answered my question and had asked if everyone's were answered. Jane spoke up and asked and suddenly, I was like; oh yeah... I had a question. Ayurveda is something I definitely want to pursue. It is SO interesting to me! It always has been, even when I didn't know how yoga-related it was OR how deep it got!

We were supposed to all go out to dinner at the Chicago Diner. But by the time we were leaving the studio it was 7:45. I had to drive all the way home, finish preparing my 20 minute class and be back up at 5 to be ready to leave the house by 6:15. So, I bailed. But I wasn't the only one. It took me 2 hours to get home, and then I was up until 12:30 preparing and adding to my sequence and meditation. I wanted to make sure I had gone over it at least a thousand times. (it felt like I did)

Sunday, after waking up on time - I made it to the practice at 7:30. It was a gentle chair practice which was interesting. Then we all taught our 20 minute sequences. So, by 11:30 - I was totally "yogaed" out. It was also a Vata balancing sequence. So, I was just drained. Definitely too much Vata for me in one day.

When we got back together after lunch to talk of our Yamas & Niyamas homework, that's when stuff got real! A few ladies shared their stories, and it was beautiful and sad all in the same. In a way, I connected to both and as I sat there listening to them talk and cry - it brought on my own tears. I just kept relating what they were saying to my situations and as if I wasn't already drained enough - there came the tears.

I managed to pull myself together for my Yoga Nidra. it was my turn to go this week and read the one I wrote. I got a lot of great feedback. It felt AWESOME watching people completely relax to MY voice reading something I had written. It was a complete adrenaline rush!

However, by 4, it felt like I had been punched in the face and I was done. Just done. I didn't want to take notes... I wasn't comfortable anymore... So I just sat. and moved.. and sat... and moved. I tried to take notes but I couldn't focus. So I just laid/stood/sat there listening and soaking it all in.

7:30 came and I was extremely glad I had taken the next day off work. I was exhausted! More so emotionally, but after all that yoga you could say a little physically as well.

Literally... this is me right now! lol

Literally... this is me right now! lol

I've come to the realization I've bitten off more than I can chew. Keeping house, Working, having 2 dogs now; adding a dog that has real separation anxiety issues, volunteering, keeping up with my own yoga practice, spending time with those I love, yoga training, the additional yoga training... I feel like everything is swirling around me going 100 miles per hour. I think this should be more of a blog post in and of itself. Life has just become overwhelming for me.. I need to find better ways to manage that. I've just got to! There has to be a way. But also, I just have to get through November!!! Then when I say that, it saddens me. Because I LOVE THESE GIRLS! They're so awesome! I love having every Sunday (and sometimes more) with them!

Monday my husband was also off so we turned it into a Game of Thrones binge watch fest. Threw in a trip to the dog park and grocery story and came home to more binge watching. Went to bed early and woke up today feeling SO refreshed!!

I've got literally a thousand ideas of what I want to do... So slowly but surely I've been working those ideas into actual plans! :-)