but why?

The other night I was out at a bar with some friends and some of us were a little more under the influence than the others - sure. In all honesty, I had a stressful day, and I really just needed to unwind, have a drink and have some fun. So anyway, there we are laughing and carrying on and trying to make small talk when I get slapped in the face with this question; do you think your weight will hinder you getting a job in a studio.

I've always thought about how I'd answer this. But I never expected to be hit so off guard with it. It never really occurred to me that some people may think I'm getting my yoga certification and wanting to apply at a place like LA Fitness, or Corepower... somewhere where though it's a gym, and you're supposed to "work on getting in shape", it's still mainly geared towards those with a thinner figure. I'm most definitely not wanting that. My soul purpose in getting my certification and wanting to spread my yoga with the world is because I believe that Yoga can truly be for anyone.

I've also been asked, "Why Yoga? "What is the point? Is it to loose weight? relax? be more flexible?"

Oh, and then there's my favorite. The point people try to make of it being an Eastern religion thing, and I'm not following my path to God through Jesus Christ. Really?

Honestly, I really think the best way to answer is to explain to you that Yoga truly means different things to different people.

Of course going into it, I was always curious. But again, that "you have to be thin to do this" mantra kicks in and it truly hinders not only someone who's body type is bigger, but someone who may have injuries and can't move in certain positions - or heck; even move off of the chair.

So, of course I was afraid to try it. I remember browsing online, trying to find something to help me. There was little to none. Literally THE only thing I found, was a class that a friend had talked about which was already full, and Anna Guest-Jelley's Curvy Yoga. That's it! And I'll tell you what... That's some serious slim pickings!

Now that I've had experience through those two, finding body positive websites and gatherings has been a lot easier. This community is also growing, which is also making it somewhat easier to find things. But I think back to that first I time I wanted it, but couldn't find it - and I WANT to be someone's option. Not only that, but I want to be able to give someone that option! 

And now I'm seeing stories where people are complaining on the simple fact of having "fat-yoga" or other select Yoga classes for different body types. You think I'd be where I'm at now had I not gone to a Plus-Size Yoga class? I don't. I would have hated it. I know it. I went into it afraid, and not knowing what to expect, but do you know what I learned from that?

It's okay to try something new! It's okay to step outside of your comfort zone.

Most people don't just do that though. So there HAS to be that option. That door to open to new possibilities... and THAT'S where I come in!

Never in a million years would I have imagined feeling how I do about yoga. It was truly this liberating experience for me. And I remember on day one thinking, "God, I have to find a way to share this!"

The beautiful thing about yoga and it's many many meanings is no matter what type of class you take. Whether it's a Restorative, a Vinyasa Flow, Bikram, Pranayama, etc., the true purpose of any yoga is to put YOU first. To build strength in your mind AND body and to create awareness and harmony not only in your practice, but in your every day life.

As for the religious part. Sure. You're right. It can be religious. But isn't that also what's so beautiful about it? It's creating life within yourself. It's opening you up to new possibilities. It's helping you build strength, stamina and balance. It's helping you love not only the world, but it's turning that love inward. Forcing you to love and accept yourself - "flaws" and all. It's all of these things; and it morphs so beautifully and so flawlessly into the other like the threads of a beautiful fabric.

I was so lost when I started this. When it comes to my relationship with religion and God, I still am to an extent. I went through a period where everything I was taught to believe was being questioned. That was and IS really hard for me to understand. But in my practice, I've found I've grown closer to not only God, but to myself.

That's what I was lacking before.