I've been a follower of Kate over at over at The Small Things Blog for quite sometime now. I simply LOVE her blog and find myself checking it every morning! Anyway, she usually posts what she calls Links + Loves quote frequently on Fridays. I've ALWAYS loved her idea, and quite frankly, this isn't my first rodeo... Sometimes I run out of ideas to blog about; so I've decided to incorporate the same kind of thing into my blog. You can probably expect this post to continue on Fridays!
Speaking of my morning ritual; I have about 3 or 4 blog that I routinely check the same time each day. Another one of my favorites is from a new friend in the yoga community; Krissie Bentley. I've followed since way back in her Committed Coaching days, and I am excited to see her venture into the yoga world and share her yoga with everyone. You see, not only does Krissie have a blog, but she ALSO releases some rather a m a z i n g online yoga classes. So, while her and I live quite some distance apart; I already feel like I know her so well!
Recently we went on vacation to our family camper in Wisconsin. Here, I am blessed to be able to take baths! I know.. It's the small things (hah, Kate!) BUT! Where we live now, we only have a walk in shower. Which is great and all for wanting to get clean. But I'm a girly girl; and I LOVE having my relaxing bubble bath during a night of pamper. So, before we left I managed to score some AMAZING Lush products! My FAVORITES are "The Comforter" "Brightside" and "French Kiss".
THIS Rosebud Salve lip balm SAVES my lips and leaves them super soft!
Join me!
I'll be guest teaching at Shine Studio Batavia as part of my teacher training on August 20th, Click on the image below to be directed to their website for more information on their Plus Size Yoga classes. I hope you join me, and I hope you check out their studio. It is absolutely FABULOUS!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
7:00pm 8:15pm
Shine Studio Batavia
Join me for an evening of balance and bliss as I teach my very first yoga class as a student!
This will be a drop in class, however space will be limited. Please arrive early to secure your spot.
*Shine Studio's drop in rate is $16.00. However, if you already have purchased a class pack, you may redeem one of your sessions for this.