Well... We're live, now what? I've created this space to be able to share my teacher training with you. So. What can you expect? Until then, I'll probably be spontaneously blogging here and there as I prepare for the start of my training program. I'll probably be sharing a LOT of my inspiration and motivation with you guys. I've just learned SO much, and I want to be able to share it with all of you! Because you're all amazing and you deserve to feel just as inspired as I do! Once I begin training, I do plan on having a set schedule for my blog and will plan on sharing my experiences with you. I'm still tweaking things out on my part for this. But please don't worry! I plan on sharing with you as soon as I have everything figured out.
You all have been SO supportive as I've launched my brand. My brand... Did I really just say that? m y b r a n d! That still gets me. I never in my wildest dreams imagined being right here before you. It's an amazing feeling! I appreciate all of the private messages, friend request, friend suggestions, and most of all, hearing your stories!
Join me!
I'll be guest teaching at Shine Studio Batavia as part of my teacher training on August 20th, Click on the image below to be directed to their website for more information on their Plus Size Yoga classes. I hope you join me, and I hope you check out their studio. It is absolutely FABULOUS!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
7:00pm 8:15pm
Shine Studio Batavia
Join me for an evening of balance and bliss as I teach my very first yoga class as a student!
This will be a drop in class, and space is limited. So, please arrive early to secure your spot.
*Shine Studio's drop in rate is $16.00. However, if you already have purchased a class pack, you may redeem one of your sessions for this.