
Wow! I can't believe this site is actually live! It's amazing to me in fact. I am so appreciative of each and every one of you who have come to check out my new website (that feels fabulous to say by the way) and my Facebook. Most of you have been my support team all along and some of you are just joining; with your hands waving high in the air! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with each and every one of you old and new.

I feel like I should start off by introducing myself for those who don't know me. My name is Mishelle. I'm from Aurora, Illinois and I am 26. I've been married to my best friend; Eric for almost 6 years now (together for 10) and we have 2 dogs; a black lab named Bennett (4) and a lab-terrier mix named Cooper (about 8 months). I've been an avid yogi for almost 3 years now thanks to some friends who discovered a Plus-Size yoga class near me. After countless discussions and numerous hours of thinking, meditating and yes, even coaching/persuading; I decided to begin my yoga teacher training certification.

You see, I had always been thinking about pursuing this. Once I started yoga, I knew I needed to share it with the world. But for a little over month straight this year, it seemed like everything had been leading me to this.

I attended a yoga/gong session that literally made my head and body ache. It wasn't my first time, and I was so looking forward to relaxing. But the minute the gong session started, instead of hearing the tones as soothing and relaxing, it was like a freight train was zooming past me going a hundred miles per hour. Like - it literally sounded like a train horn for 30 minutes straight. It made my head ache, my teeth hurt, and I felt extremely nauseous. I saw vivid blues and bright purples as the sounds continued. It got so bad that I literally almost got up to leave. But I thought, no! My body (or my head) is trying to tell me something, I need to stay. So, I endured it to the very end in desperate hope that I would somehow find it relaxing.

Of course, that didn't happen, and I left feeling like I just had a panic attack. I was wide awake and aware of EVERYTHING going around me. So much so that I just wanted to be alone and go home. It was almost like something opened up inside me and all my thoughts were racing around at once.

A week later, I attended a peace meditation/vigil. It was my first class that was just strictly a meditation and my first experience with mantras. Our instructor had set up various statues in the front of the room. Truly, the only one I remember though was Ganesha. Anyway, during the mediation I saw the same colors as I did in that previous gong session. Only they were much more subtle and calming. I even remember hearing a train horn; from an actual train. There are tracks near the studio. But in the year and a half that I had been attending, I had NEVER heard a horn during any of my classes. I found that odd, and also notated it in my journal.

The following week was my birthday and one of my girlfriends, also one of my yoga instructors, had taken me out for lunch. We talked about how I was fine, until I hit 26. That I wasn't where I thought I would be at 26. Not that I was complaining; because believe me I wasn't. It is just hard when you have everything planned out a certain way, and then it goes the complete opposite. But I'm rolling with it. Her advice to me was to attend a few meditations and really sit back and just appreciate what I have, and figure out how I was going to overcome my obstacles keeping me from the things I still wanted to achieve. She explained some of hers, and how she overcame them. It was really enlightening. She told me how she had incorporated Ganesha into her practice and explained what that meant. Ganesha is derived from the Hindu religion. Known to be the Lord of success and destroyer of obstacles, he is worshiped by many as the God of wisdom, knowledge and wealth. Ganesha is most commonly recognized as the elephant head. I had remembered Ganesha from our peace meditation and again, noted how this had come up once more in my life.

Later that month, after a practice, I stayed to talk with her again. We talked about what I had been doing to help with how I was feeling. I had expressed how I was looking into submitting an application to Curvy Yoga Nashville for their teacher training program and how I had wanted to do it for this year. But, at the time the deadline was a week a way and I just couldn't figure out how I would be able to afford it; AND afford taking the time off of work to attend. She understood and that's when she clued me in on a new training program that she had heard about that was just opening up. As soon as she said the name; all I could do was stare at her. The teacher training program was through Ganesha Yoga in Chicago. I really don't even think I blinked as she was explaining the program and cost to me based on what she had heard.

Literally, the whole last month or so had been lighting up a pathway for me, and there I was - right at the end of it. Big bright light blinding me. I knew I HAD to do it. So, I went home and submitted the application to the program the next day.

A day later, I got a call asking for a phone interview. Mindy said as soon as she got my application she HAD to talk to me. Our "interview" conversation lasted a while. I told her about my story and she was just in awe. I remember that I kept saying to her; you're probably going to think I'm crazy. But I swear this really happened... I think I said that at least 5 times. It was also in my application. I had even opened up to her and gone into talking about my frustrations with my life and feeling as though everything was up in the air. Que an AWESOME conversation about the return of Saturn (Google that - SUPER interesting!). A few hours later, I receive my acceptance letter.

Later on, I went with my husband to check out where the studio was. I just wanted to get an idea of where it would be so I could figure out how to commute there during training weekends. By this time, it was maybe the beginning of April or so, and I remember we had gone in the evening after grabbing some dinner. On the way we passed 3 or 4 buildings that had left their Christmas decorations up. (Hey, I'm not judging - they were pretty!) There, on the tops of the buildings as we passed them I saw "Peace on Earth" on all 3 written in big beautiful shining lights. And THAT was when everything came full circle friends. I knew my decision was right, and that I was making not only the best decision for me; but I was following my true path.

I will begin my 200-HR Teacher Training in just a few short weeks on August 21st. I simply, cannot wait. The months leading up have gone by fast, but I almost feel like they've too slow. I am so excited to begin this next chapter!

I hope you all choose to join me on my Yoga journey. You can subscribe to my blog,website and/or newsletters to the right of this post. Please note, I'll never share/sell your information. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook too!

Be sure to check out my "Classes" tab for upcoming classes. My first class will be held August 20th at Shine Studio Batavia. I will be student teaching from 7-8:15.

Please feel free to email me as well! I'd love to hear from you!