So, last night I went home with the game plan of getting down to the nitty gritty of planning what I want for my business. What I want to end up doing, how I am going to do it, how to bring in more self-care rituals, how to still maintain my own yoga practice, how I’m going to bring you guys blog content, class content, etc. all while I try to maintain my own sanity. Picture, if you will, me sitting on the couch, pen in hand, notebook in lap and me; staring dead into space... Because that's pretty much how it went!
It’s all so overwhelming. I mean, I’m feeling really overwhelmed! I never imagined how fast my yoga teaching would take off. That said, of course I have my good times and hard times as a teacher. But teaching yoga is really what I’m meant to do! As I continue to build up my classes, and long for more ways to be able to share yoga with you all; I’m feeling overwhelmed. My practice has slacked tremendously. My once sacred Thursdays are becoming a chore, and that’s something I hate. Part of this is because I yoga all throughout the week. So, on my day off from work, the last thing I want to think about is yoga. I just want one free day, aside the weekend because that doesn’t count; where I truly am free to do things as I please.
The problem with this? My favorite yoga teacher only has offered class on Thursdays pretty much since I started yoga. She opened up a Tuesday class a few series ago, to which I tried but longed for my yoga sisters who routinely came on Thursdays. It isn’t guaranteed that she’ll keep Tuesdays. So there’s that.
I know she is taking the summer off. So I will at least have some time to figure out what I want to do.
Sundays and Wednesdays are my teaching days. I’m longing to get into another studio, and if I do, I will most likely add a Tuesday class to my schedule. I know, I know; here I am saying Help! Toss the life raft! And I’m wanting desperately to add yet another class to my schedule. But here’s the thing – my life’s passion is teaching. It isn’t blogging- though I so seriously wish it were, it isn’t electronic stuff- though I think I’ve found a knack in that.
Truly, it is teaching and getting as many people as I can into yoga. Ironically enough, I’m also finding a path beginning to form, that’s leading me to branch out to just one more studio, just like the one that lead me to teacher training. So, I cannot pass that up! It also isn’t happening as fast as I would like. BUT, like all good things; if it’s meant to be, it will be! I’ve said that since day one, and look at where I’m at now! Things will happen when they’re meant to! I truly believe that!
I don’t ever really see myself teaching more than 3 classes per week; unless I’m pursuing it as a full time career and who knows about that. Never say never! But right now, I’m great where I am at. I love my regular job. I love teaching, and I’m working hard to meddle the two together into my life.
What starts to become overwhelming is when I think about my blog and website. “Oh, I have to get this content out…” “I’ve got to blog this many times per month, and on these days.” Maybe if I was doing this full time, but even then; I feel like the majority of my energy needs to be going into the classes that I teach. I’ve also created Facebook groups for each of my individual classes where I share our practices and go into more detail so that they can have their own home practice. I’ve also found this to begin slacking and I feel awful! I want to be able to answer their questions they have at random times and to be able to give them tips, tricks and handouts for practicing at home. I can’t even begin to think about what I’m going to develop or use to help them when I’m busy worrying about content for a blog.
So, here’s my plan;
I will continue blogging sporadically. I won’t put content out for the sake of getting content out. I want to put just as much effort in as I do my classes. So, right now my blogging will be taking a back seat.
I’ll be simplifying my website.
I’ve got so many ideas. I rush to get everything together and out there in hopes that I actually have an original idea that no one ends up taking. On the contrary; I also don’t want to seem like I am copying, and I’ve come to find I’m pretty likeminded to some of my favorite teachers.
But, all of the content is just too much right now. So, I’ve decided to take it a step back and just be “basic” – but in a good way!
I am going to diligently work on getting my home yoga space together. I’m going to use our front porch; which is perfect for a one body yoga/meditation practice. I am going to start the plans for this soon, and then just hash it out. Right now, the porch is collecting so much clutter from things I’m not sure where to put or things that I’m going to be selling in a future garage sale. I’ve just got to sift through everything.
I am going to dive into the plethora of yoga books I have stacked all over the house!
Instead of worrying about what content I’m going to get up on my website, I’ll be working on what feels natural to me. I know 10 (heck maybe even 5) years from now, Facebook and or Instagram may be obsolete. Part of this is why I’ve so desperately wanted to create content for you on my own website. I’ve just got to find a way to cross post everything.
I’m going to pour my heart and soul into planning great classes!
I will be teaching twice a week (for now). Hopefully in the Fall you’ll be able to find me three times a week! We’ll see what happens. I’m going to truly pour my heart and soul into planning these classes and managing our online meet areas.
I’m going to work on my own self-care routines. From pedicures, to finding a mentor to maintaining my own daily or weekly practices…
I am so grateful for all of you and I hope that you all continue to follow me on this journey! If you’re wanting to take an in-person class, be sure to check out my ‘Classes’ tab! I’ve got a once a month Park Yoga class I’m doing, and then my Curvy and Plus Size Yoga classes!
This isn’t Goodbye! I’m going to figure out what works for me! I’ll be blogging, but commitment free! So I won’t feel bad if I don’t make a certain number of posts happen. What I plan on doing is using the blog space however feels natural to me!
Love & Light