Today as you’re taking your shower, visualize washing away your stress and anxiety. Concentrate on the feel of the water upon your skin. Envision the power of the shower washing away your negative thoughts!
Envision your fear, your regret and your anger soaping off of you and swirling down the drain
-original meditation from Karen Salmansohn from
As a bonus, you can add in a shower steamer (hint! hint! there will be a DIY recipe posted soon!). You can find these at places like Lush, Etsy, Sephora, Ulta, and if you're local, Cocoon in downtown Geneva has them as well. These are usually scented with an essential oil and make the shower that much more enjoyable!
Using oils directly with the skin is also an option. Just be sure you're using a carrier oil! I found this blog post here that goes in to great detail on applying to the skin and using while in the shower. Basically, you'll use them on a wash cloth and place on the chest. The warm water activates the scent and turns it into vapor.
Essential Oils For The Shower
How do you know what oils to use? Well, learn to trust your intuition. It’s not necessary that we always have specific motives or even symptoms to treat while using oils in the shower. Most of the time when I am selecting an oil for diffusing or using in the shower, I go with what’s most appealing to me at the time.
If you’re new to oils, start with an oil such as lavender. Lavender is typically pretty mild and is known to have fewer sensitivities in general. That being said, there is always the chance that an oil can react with your skin poorly, so it is best to begin by testing a small patch of skin prior to use.
Here are some oils I used when I was just starting out with them. Granted, I’m still dipping my feet into the world of essential oils. These have been what I’ve found, tried and true, to work the best as a novice oil user.
- Lavender — Purifying, balancing, and soothing. It provides remedy in difficult times and helps to release bottled up negative emotions. It can reduce stress and aid in peaceful sleep. I like to use it when I want a calm, relaxed, and healing vibe.
- Sandalwood — For thousands of years sandalwood has been known for it’s ability to soothe anxiety + insomnia, assist in inducing a meditative state + calm, and helps us to release the past. A great oil to use in the evening shower.
- Citrus oils of Lemon, Grapefruit, and Orange — Lift Your Spirits!!! Excellent for the morning shower, and perfect when you need to deal with stress but also need to keep alert + stimulated.
- Ylang Ylang — Soothing, calming, aphrodisiac. Perfect for those times involving love + intimacy!!! Partner shower massage anyone!
Please Note:
Applying essential oils to wet skin allows for greater, more immediate, absorption into the fatty skin tissue. Little to no reminiscent oil film will remain after rinsing + toweling off.
Excessive use of essential oil on the skin can lead to certain sensitivities and irritations. Discontinue use immediately if problems start to develop. And seek medical attention. Naturally the results will be different for everyone. This is by no means a cure-all. I’m just happy to share with you my experience with these plants and/or oils. Please use conventional wisdom and consult with your medical professional prior to using this or any other herbal remedy. And as we know all too well the FDA doesn’t like any type of claim…therefore, take it for what it is, and remember, this information is purely educational in its purpose.
Essentials oils should also be applied with a carrier oil such as; coconut, grape seed, avocado, almond oil, etc.